photo or infographic by Emily Meachen
WIth the sun shining in their eyes, soloists senior Taylor Durrenburger and junior Gianreo Mire play at the regional contest Tuesday at Woodforest Stadium. The band finished with a Sweepstakes rating. They also qualified for area competition this Saturday at Galena Park.
Band qualifies for area competition
Expanding Spaces earns band Sweepstakes
The band will continue their odyssey to the state competition at Galena Park at the 5-A Area I UIL competition on Saturday. The band performed on Tuesday at Woodforest Bank Stadium, earned a Sweepstakes rating and qualified for area.
It has been a long journey for the band. Tuesday’s performance and Sweepstakes ratings was the result of hours and hours of work. The month of October has been busy for the band. They knew they had to take all that they have learned and do their best on Tuesday.
“When we left the field after our performance, we were all on an adrenaline high from the feeling that we gave it our best and that we left it all on the field,” senior Halston Havard said.
After the performance on Tuesday, waiting for the scores after working hard for so many hours was nerve wracking. The bands sit in the stands with their competition until the judges tabulate the scores.
“It was a lot of sun and sweat, but the best part was getting our score back and hearing how well we did,” freshman Samantha Pluff said.
The band has worked on the show, Expanding Spaces, since last spring. They have performed on Friday nights, competed in band competitions on Saturdays and practiced after school, before football games and even on the early release day. After living with the music and movements for so long, some parts stand out for members of the band.
“UIL was great,” junior Kasey McGrew said. “My favorite part was the closer because it had so much energy.”
The time together makes the band close. Every bus ride, practice night and performance bonds the group together.
“I love being able to spend time with everyone making memories and playing alongside so many talented people,” sophomore Angel Garcia said.