Finding the silver lining in coronavirus chaos

photo or infographic by Summer Rains

Staff member Summer Rains explores how students can find the positive side of the craziness caused by the coronavirus.

A lot of things have changed around the globe since everything is shut down due to the coronavirus. The canals in Italy are clear now, and animals have returned back to the water. Back here in Texas, even though students are being kept out of school, they’re getting to do things they never thought they’d be able to do before. Now that Montgomery County has been put under a Stay at Home Order until April 12th, it is time to find the silver lining in staying at home and having time away from activities and sports. 

During this time of lock down, the community should be focusing on more positive things and how being forced to stay home may be a good thing.

“I’ve been in my house for two solid weeks besides work, and it has definitely been a strain on some friendships and relationships of mine, but it has also given me time to focus on myself,” senior Gracie Dorris said. “I have gotten back into painting and have started working out again. Those two things I didn’t necessarily have time for before.”

Being at school eight hours a day can be a strain on some students, especially if they don’t get enough sleep the night before or if they have activities to do after school is over. 

“The biggest thing for not just me is being able to take this time to focus on myself,” sophomore Kendall Cobb said. “It has relieved a lot of stress from me, and I’m very thankful for that.”

Even though some students and especially seniors are missing out on a lot that the last few months of school has to offer, they still have the support of their families to get them through these trying times. 

“I believe the silver lining for me is getting to spend time with my family,” senior Grace Hoegemyer said. “This is usually the busiest time of year for us with the HLSR and MOCO, but instead this year we are getting a chance to relax and enjoy each other’s company.”

School doesn’t really give students much time to do extra things, but now since students are not going to campus everyday to learn, they have a lot of extra time to do things they may have been putting off.

“I have gotten a new hobby,” sophomore Jack Weibe said. “I’ve been wanting to work out every single day, and it’s been hard to do. This break let’s me do that. I appreciate it a lot.”

The coronavirus has flipped a lot of people’s lives around including sophomore Ainsley Patrick who was an exchange student in Germany when all of this broke out. She’s missing out on a lot of experiences that she would’ve had if she wouldn’t have had to come back home, but she’s not focusing on all of the negative things .

“It was crazy how fast everything changed. In less than a week, my whole life exploded,” Patrick said. “I’ve flown by myself before, but never internationally and definitely not with the current circumstance. It was so stressful and nerve racking, but I’m so happy to my family and friends again. I especially hope to see my senior friends graduate which I thought I was going to miss.”