Senior pictures set for Sept. 29, 30 during English classes

photo or infographic by Wildkat Media

SMILE SENIORS. Pictures are set Sept. 29 and 30.

If seniors missed the chance to take their senior pictures over the summer, it is not too late. Photography will be here September 28th and 29th to take pictures.

Senior pictures will be taken in all English classes.

“It is so important for the seniors to have their pictures made when the photographers are here in September,” Wildkat yearbook adviser Emily Meachen said. “This will be the last time they can have their picture made to be included in the yearbook.”

All seniors need to do is show up picture ready.

“The photographers will have all the gowns ready for you,” Meachen said. “Just show up and they will make sure your picture is fantastic.”

Stop by the Wildkat Media room, A201, for additional information. 

“There is no charge to take your picture, but these pictures are available for purchase,” Meachen said. “You can stop by my room to get information on pricing.”

Some students prefer to wait till the school year to take their pictures.

“Having my picture taken during school is such a convenience for me because I worked a full time job over the summer,” senior Kaylee Herring said.