Organic food is produced without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or other artificial agents. Organic food is known as healthier food, but the benefits of organic food will do more than help teens get the nutrients they need. All of the fried foods, processed meats and vegetables are not allowing students and teachers to gain what the body needs to run the correct way.
Eating organic food could make the world better one meal at a time.
The way food is grown and raised will dictate how it is processed through the body and what impact it has on the physical, mental, and emotional health of the human body. Organic produce has fewer pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and insecticides that can cause long term harm to the human body, especially in young adults. Organic produce is also much fresher, and isn’t full of poisonous substances meant to kill other living creatures, similar to humans. Organic produce has no genetic engineering, and it is richer in certain nutrients to help these students and teachers get through the day on a healthy and full stomach.
Organic farming for products will help the environment in a variety of ways such as reducing pollution, conserving water, reducing soil erosion, and using less energy. Organic farming practices also include the way the livestock is raised and cared for. BSE is a disease that can be created in cows because of byproducts that are fed to them. Free range animals eat the food that is healthy for their stomach and ultimately will be healthy for people as well, less diseases, stomach aches, better nutrients, and it could prevent antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
Putting healthier foods in all the lunch lines will give these students more energy in the morning due to vitamin C, magnesium and iron being put into their daily diets. Student athletes and students who do not eat breakfast at home will greatly benefit from healthier options that have more variety. Instead of just serving salads, serve grilled chicken, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, give free water as a choice of beverage, hot soups, organic eggs and so much more. Allowing the students and staff to have the option of these better foods will last them throughout the day and won’t leave them hungry when they get home after school or practice.
Allowing the schools to have enough money to afford the organic produce and insure the students better futures and more energy throughout the day will greatly impact the world. Leading the school to having better grading averages, more participation, less detention, better faculty attitudes, healthier minds and greater bodies. The schools have already come a long way at creating better and healthier lunches, just taking that final step will truly ensure a brighter future for everyone, and just might make this world a healed and happier place.