Contest season adds hours, excitement to Wildkat band experience

photo or infographic by courtesy photo

WARMING UP. Before performing at the Small Town Big Sound contest in Friendswood, members of the trumpet section get ready for the show.

The fast beating hearts of the musicians and the feeling of anticipation as they wait for the contest results fill the stadium. After hours and hours of practice, halftime performances and a long bus trip, it all comes down to this moment.

And as the band’s name is announced, the celebration begins. It is contest time. 

After the best finish the band has experienced at the Small Town Big Sound marching festival in Friendswood, the band has their sights set for state.

This weekend the band will travel to Galena Park for another contest. The day will start very early and end very late, but it just adds to the time each member spends making the band better.

“We practice six and a half hours per week,” junior Tony Silverio said. “We could have had eight but we decided on six, and we spent another six hours at the football game.” 

Competitions can sound stressful or non enjoyable. It can be an event that is not looked forward to, but the Wildkats share their fun experiences and enjoyments during their competitions. 

HARD WORK AND BIG RESULTS. Spending countless hours perfecting the show, senior Jeffrey Blaker is ready to perform. The band practices countless hours to get the show ready for competition and performance under the Friday night lights. (photo or infographic by courtesy ohoto)

“The football games competitions are the best times,” junior Chris Salas said.  “I like to watch other bands perform and hangout with my friends.”

Competing in a team can be difficult without the support of your teammates. The Wildkats share their hearts and drown each other in love.

“Everyone is like a family,” junior Sophia Cruz said. “The band family means more than anything in the world. They see us at the best and the worst moments of our life. it’s a moment everyone cherishes.” 

In the end competitions aren’t about the gold medals there are about goldening the heart and ears of those present . 

“The best part of competitions is the end result,” Cruz said “We have a crowd watching us including our parents and our band directors. We see the emotions, all the hard work paying off because we did everything right, and we get to see how much we impact people.”

After a night of hard work their tired bodies crawl into the bus that takes the band home Though tired, the band still share great fun memories every minute of the trip.

“The bus rides are the most fun,” Silverio said. “The last trip was so much fun I blasted music on my speaker while people tried to sleep.”