Family, friends, food bring feelings of gratitude

photo or infographic by Jason Clark

FEAST YOUR EYES. The centerpiece of the meal, a turkey waits to be carved for the ROTC meal. The culinary arts class prepared the turkey for the event held on Thursday.

The weather is cooler. The wind seems crisper. Smells of turkey whifting from the culinary kitchen. Thanksgiving is almost here. 

With a week away from school, students and teachers are already thankful for a much needed break. But the blessings do not stop at a few days off. Around campus, everyone is finding something to be thankful for this holiday season. Some are taking this time to honor their many blessings. 

“I’m thankful for my family and the opportunities I have been blessed with,” senior Brooklyn Alling said. “I’m also grateful for the many friends that I have met.”

Many students have found comfort with their friends as well as their extracurricular activities. 

“I’m thankful that Thursday, the 17th, there’s a day we’re gonna have a potluck for JROTC and I get to eat every single thing in sight,” freshman Sophia Hernandez said. “I’m also thankful for all of my friends, They’re really cool.”

The close connection between people is definitely something staff and students keep close to their hearts.

“I’m thankful for the people that I am surrounded by,” senior Addison Williams said. “I’m thankful for my family and music.”

Some students have found recent pieces of media that bring them joy.

“I am thankful for the new Taylor Swift album,” senior Julia Humphries said. “It’s been a month, but it’s still a big thing I’m thankful for.”

Thanksgiving has excited everyone on campus. Anticipation for the holiday and all it brings is definitely boosting morale. 

“This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the mental break,” freshman Daniel Lipscum said. “I’m also excited for the chance to eat a whole bunch of food.”

Even teachers are reflecting on the meaning of the season. Good students and good effort always put a smile on a teacher’s face. 

“Just wanted to let ALL my kids know that they have been doing so great the last few weeks,” math teacher Shelley Smart said.  “I’m so proud of your progress. Algebra 1 has been a struggle for us all, but you guys are stepping up! We make a solid team. #smartcrew.”

The students are very ready to have a break from their studies as finals quickly approach. 

“I’m grateful that I have a break,” freshman Zoe Mendez said. “And I’m glad that I won’t have to go to work for a long time.” 

Not only are people grateful for things outside campus, they are also giving thanks for all that they have around school. 

“I’m thankful for all of the friends I’ve made around Willis High School,” junior Hannah East said.  “As well as all the wonderful teachers.”

Teachers are also a big thing students are thankful for. The kindness they show their students does not go unappreciated. 

“I’m thankful for Mrs. Brumlow,” senior Rylee Neumann said. “She lets me sit in her classroom and draw Christmas pictures when I’m stressed.” 

After fighting cancer this fall, HOPE Academy director Michael Storms has a lot to be thankful for after a scan showed no signs of cancer. 

I am thankful for life,Storms said. After being diagnosed and treated with stage 4 colon cancer this past July, I am thankful that there is no evidence of cancer in body right now!

After multiple school organizations raised money and showed support to the Storms family, the support Storms has felt is another thing he is thankful for this holiday.

This year has been a blessing to see so many organizations of Willis HS come together to show me support,Storms said. Not only Willis HS, but so many people in the entire Willis community. What a true blessing!