Senior Sendoff replaces OpGrad lock in

photo or infographic by courtesy of Operation Graduation

A BOX FULL OF FUN. Taking place on May 26, only a few days before graduation, Senior Sendoff will offer Seniors to create more high school memories with each other. The event will be filled with fun games, prizes and food.

Senior year is a special time. For the graduates, it marks the end of an important chapter of their lives. With high school graduation just around the corner, most people believe that it is an achievement worth celebrating with their friends and family. 

The end of high school celebration known as OpGrad is not going to be exactly like years past. The lock-in style event on graduation night is being replaced by Senior Sendoff on May 26, 2023.

Senior Sendoff, a fair style celebration, will be hosted at the school with numerous fun attractions, food and sure-to-be fun times to create with one another. Some students believe that this is a change for the better compared to their other options.

“I liked the idea of the Senior Sendoff better than the Incredible Pizza lock-in,” senior Bradley White said. “I feel that I can enjoy my time better at the send off.”

Other students believe that being at the high school will allow for better quality of memories to make.

“I feel that it is much better than doing essentially the same thing at Incredible Pizza all night long without being able to leave,” senior James Rogers said.

While the majority opted for the fair-like atmosphere at WHS, some believe that the Incredible Pizza lock-in still offers more to them.

“I think the send off will be alright,” senior Dallas Dingman said. “The thought of being at Incredible Pizza at two in the morning was more fun to me though.”

One of the major benefits that students found with Senior Sendoff is that after graduation, one can go to dinner and/or celebrate with their family.

“I personally like it better because you’re not having to stay overnight somewhere,” senior Rylee Neumann said. “Also, you can go to dinner with your family and enjoy time with them rather than going straight to Incredible Pizza.”