Bienvenue au cours de français. Welcome to French class.
For the first time in many decades, French is being spoken in the halls and the language is being taught as a foreign language.
“I LOVE the language and the culture so it was a no-brainer to teach something I’m passionate about,” French teacher Oni Lattin said.
Learning French can open doors for students.
“French is the third most widely spoken language in the western world behind English and Spanish,” Lattin said. “In my personal experience, having this language in my back pocket has opened so many doors for me. It has also been a huge help in mastering other Latin languages.”
Lattin learned to love the language while pursuing her love of volleyball in Europe. Her time living abroad has deepened her understanding of the world.
“I lived and worked in France as a professional volleyball player for six years,” Lattin said. “In my endeavors to learn as many languages as possible, I have noticed how my world view has shifted simply because I am now able to communicate with people who have vastly different lived experiences than myself.”
There are several options for foreign languages. Lattin feels like there is no better language to learn. They all add value, but French is special.
“I think any language is going to offer you value and an opportunity to expand your worldview, but French has a particular essence that makes it uniquely special. It’s hard to describe,” Lattin said. “It’s a vibe. The culture associated with French is so rich and expansive.”
It is Lattin’s first year teaching the language to others. For her, teaching and coaching is a way to be there for others.
“I was raised in a Christian household and it was always impressed upon me to pass my blessings on because ‘they don’t belong to me’,” Lattin said. “I have been profoundly blessed in my life, and I relish the opportunity to pass that along.”
Lattin understands the importance of providing a good, consistent role model for the student in her class and on her teams.
“I have always found working with children to be fulfilling and I had a lot of terrible teachers during my childhood who honestly let me down, so I told myself if I ever got the opportunity to teach and coach the next generation that I would be an attentive, safe and consistent adult in these kids lives and offer as much value as I can.
Her class will be a total immersion into the French language. Students started speaking in French on the first day of class.
“We are going to use a lot of media and immersive projects to get better associated with the culture as well as the language,” Lattin said. “We will be talking on day one! I believe the best way to learn a language is to jump in head first.”
Students have learned that Lattin is serious about her subject. Sophomore Lena Kina signed up for French because she welcomes a challenge.
“I think it’s more interesting subject than others, and I enjoy the challenge,” King said. “I like the very quick pace, and it’s easy to pick up off of Lattin’s teaching.”