Decorations getting put up. Little girls and fathers pulling up into the parking lot. Sweetheart doing the last final touches.
These are all of the emotions that are happening right before the annual sweetheart father and daughter dance.
This is the second year for the Daddy Daughter Sweetheart Ball. Tickets can be purchased on the Sweethearts website.
“Any profit made from the event helps cover our yearly expenses, especially our contest expenses,” Sweetheart Coach Kaylee Trotter said.
It takes a lot of preparation and time to make this dance happen for all of the fathers and daughters.
“For the father and daughter dance it took about a month to prepare all of it,” senior Eleanor McDonald said.
This dance takes a lot of time for everyone to prepare, but at the end of the day its good to see everyone happy.
“I love watching the daughters and their fathers spend quality time together,” Trotter said. “My dad took me to similar dances growing up, so seeing our Willis families get to experience that is special for me.”
Lots of the Sweethearts love to do this dance because it is an amazing experience for all of the little girls.
“If I had to describe the Sweetheart dance in one word It would definitely be memorable,” junior Tori Vanschuyer said.