He wakes up in the early morning hours, still half asleep but the goals are full on awake. This day wasn’t like any other, it was the state 6A wrestling championship, a dream very few athletes ever get the chance to compete in. As he walks to the wrestling mat, the scary feeling sinks in but so does the adrenaline rush of competing.
After the wrestling team had a successful regional meet placing fifth overall, five wrestlers qualified for the state competition. Seniors Ethan Elliott, Marina Wilson and Hunter May were joined by junior Tristan Rios and freshman Luca Rios. These wrestlers competed on February 16-17 and brought home two medals won by the Rios brothers. The brothers were the first 6A medalists in Willis’s history.
Having wrestlers qualify for state was an exciting feeling, but having people place has never been achieved before.
“We were excited to go to state,” coach Bryan Thomas said. “We have been there many times before. Our kids work in the weight room and on the mat year-round to compete. I was really proud of the Rios brothers when they placed. Our team has so much more to work on this off-season and during the fall. I look forward to next year.”
While the coaches mainly take part in ensuring the athletes are prepared to compete, student athletic trainers are also a part of the team to ensure they are safe.
“I loved being the student trainer for the wrestling team,” junior BreAnn Steggall said. “You never knew what to expect when traveling with them. The coaches and the team are so fun to be around and work with. I would have to say the most challenging thing I have faced with wrestling is blood time. You are only allotted five minutes to stop the bleeding or forfeit. More times than not you have to stop many times throughout the match to continue cleaning up blood.”

Success in becoming a medalist doesn’t happen overnight. Sixth place medalist Tristan Rios has been a part of this sport his whole life.
“I have been wrestling for almost 12 years,” Tristan said. “I was put into wrestling when I was five and just fell in love with it. I’ve never wanted to do a different sport since.”
Tristan competes with his brother Luca Rios who has also wrestled his whole life.
“Me and Tristan have been wrestling together our entire lives,” Luca said. “We started when we were about 3-5 and never put the sport down. It has always been great having someone to look up to and someone who will make me push myself. I wouldn’t be the competitor I am today without him honestly.”
On the day of the tournament, Luca knew that his goal of making it to state wasn’t over yet.
“When I made it into the semis, ” Luca said. “I knew I made the podium. But that wasn’t either of our goals going in, we wanted to win our state titles. So for me, it wasn’t like I was going to let up and just take 6th, I wanted to be at the top.”
As the wrestling season ends, the goals only grow.
“My goal for next year includes winning state alongside my brother, Luca,” Tristan said.
With the goal of winning state next year, state isn’t just any other tournament for these brothers.
“I’d say the part of state over any other tournament is just in the fact that it’s something you dream about your whole life,” Luca said. “Trying to get over the fact that this is really it and your year comes down to this tournament. It’s a scary feeling, but it’s also the part of love about competing.”