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The Voice of the Wildkats

The Student News Site of Willis High School

The Voice of the Wildkats

The Student News Site of Willis High School

The Voice of the Wildkats

Senior dramakats end year on comical note

photo or infographic by Ava Hardin
DEVILISH GRIN. As one of many devils in the play, senior Joseph Sheldon contemplates his next move in “The Devil in Sherman Marsh”

The battle for popularity in high school can be an absolutely brutal thing, especially for those with interests considered “nerdy.” This is exactly the case for high school student Sherman Marsh, who was gifted with smarts that only seem to hurt his popularity among his classmates, and his obsession with the “Yu-Gi-Oh!” card game surely doesn’t help. So, who else to turn to for aid with his self-image other than Lucifer himself?

As the year comes to a close, Dramakats in the theater 3 & 4 drama class are preparing to perform their show “The Devil in Sherman Marsh” for the last time this Wednesday, May 8th in the black box at 7pm. With the majority of this class being seniors, many of them are also preparing to perform the last show of their acting career, making this both a memorable and emotional time for these students.

“It’s really rewarding to see how we’ve grown this year from the first play we did until now,” senior Joseph Sheldon said. “The plays we’ve done this year have been more serious in way rather than funny, so it’s nice to get to finish with a funnier play. It’s just amazing to see how we’ve progressed down this acting path.”

While the students in theater 3 & 4 tend to do more serious plays as their skill level grows, the decision to finish off this year with a more lighthearted play has proved itself to be a good decision amongst the actors.

“I feel like this show is really funny, and it kind of feels like something I would’ve done in middle school,” senior Allison Carroll said.  “I am happy to have gotten a lead role in this play, as this is the largest role I’ve ever had and it’s my last play as a senior.”

MORE THAN A CRUSH. Playing nerds in love, seniors Allison Carroll and Marcus Shumake have a conversation in the play “The Devil in Sherman Marsh.” (photo or infographic by Ava Hardin)

Behind the scenes of these plays includes lots of trial and error, effort, and growth from the actors’ experience in their theater class, and many of the students are grateful for that experience. 

“Being a part of this play and just a part of this theater class in general has allowed me to get to know my peers better and improve my acting skills with them,” Carroll said. “From where we started until now, I think we’ve grown so much this year and I’m very grateful for this class.”

As the seniors in theater 3 & 4 move on to bigger and greater things come the end of this school year, they are grateful to have performed this play as their last. 

“This is probably going to be the play I remember doing the most,” senior Alvin Luu said. “Compared to other plays we’ve done, I feel like ‘The Devil in Sherman Marsh’ is kind of out there. I feel like doing a comedy for our last show gives this school year a much more happy ending too.”

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Heather Carroll
Heather Carroll is a sophomore at Willis High School and is new to the newspaper staff this year. She is a member of the varsity treble choir and also participates in UIL competitions. Last year, she placed at district and made it to regionals in UIL Ready Writing. You can reach her at [email protected].
Ava Hardin
Ava Hardin, VOW staff
Ava Hardin is a junior at Willis High School. This is her first year as a member of the yearbook and newspaper staff. This school year she's serving as Vice-President Social Officer on Sweethearts and secretary of her  Cohort.
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