Trump versus Harris. Everyone has an opinion, but few high school students have a chance to exercise their right to vote. Tuesday, Nov. 5 is election day, and if a student is 18 years old and a citizen of the US, he can vote in the 2024 presidential election. As a first time voter, there is a lot of information one should know.
Registering to vote is the first step getting to the polls this November. According to, a person can vote if they are a U.S. citizen, a resident of the county where you submit the application, 18 years old or older on Election Day and not a convicted felon. A voter must be registered 30 days before the election.
Registering to vote can be done multiple ways. A visit to the county’s Voter Registration office. The application can also be found online here and then mailed to the Voter Registration office. There are also applications and most public libraries and government offices. They must also be mailed.
Once registered, voters will receive a card in the mail. This card is not necessary the date to vote. Voters must have an ID to vote and show up to the correct polling place. The Montgomery County Election’s home page has information about polling places and election results.
Once registered, many are also wondering who is to be elected as the president of the United States of America. As of this moment, the only options seem to be Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Biden would be included in this discussion, if it wasn’t for the fact that he dropped out of the race. The presidential race is getting more tense the second they go on, for every second they are on tv is another second their support either increases or decreases.
People from all over the country are on the edge of their seats wondering who may win this election. For starters, Harris seems to be doing reasonably fine for the moment, which is highly surprising in this country. America has its ups and downs with female presidential candidates, since none of them can really win. There was speculation in 2023 that Kamala would actually succeed as Biden’s successor due to his age and reported dementia. Moreover, many current generation adults and teenagers have actually started to look towards Harris instead of Trump, who is a convicted felon according to the courts. For the moment, each side is doing what they can to reach their target audience.
It is hard to say who may end up winning the election. Kamala might just barely make it due to the history of sexism and the lack of feminism in the country she is in, and Trump might not make it due to Congress and their internal issues with him. The entire election is really something that just keeps on getting better and better every day. With only months away from the election, anything is bound to happen. The only way to make an opinion translate into a vote is to register and go to the polls on Nov. 5.