Imagine a night of live music and entertainment with your family turned into a hunt for a serial killer and a race to escape the venue. This is basically the plot of new horror movie ‘Trap,’ which just recently came out this August.
There were not really find any parts of the movie too scary, and there really wasn’t any gore or anything. There were only a few unnecessary injuries that sort of grossed me out. While the movie was suspenseful and definitely a thriller, It was a masterpiece or anything. The most interesting thing about this movie is the fact that it takes place at a concert with a teenage girl and her dad.
The plot of the movie overall was a pretty generic serial killer story. There was nothing too special or memorable about it. It would’ve been a more enjoyable movie if the women had more powerful roles. For example, the killer in the movie utilizes the singer to help in his master murder plans, and she doesn’t really make a good attempt to get out of it.
There were some parts to the movie particularly questionable; such as the amount of singing involved. The concert setting felt strangely forced, as it was often brought up by the main characters so they could come to conclusions or pull away from a setting. Coincidentally, the girl that sang her heart out in this film just so happens to be director M. Night Shyamalan’s daughter, Saleka Shyamalan.
Honestly, the movie was disappointing . It wasn’t ‘a-refund-for-this-ticket-is-necessary’ bad, but it wasn’t memorably good either. However, it was curious to see how they would make a concert setting into a horror movie worthy set, and while the setting was a bit confusing, the uniqueness of it earned the movie a few points.