Fifteen TAFE members attended the Area 5 Round Up at Sam Houston State University on Nov. 11. They competed at the conference and two members advanced to state competition at the 41st Annual Teach Tomorrow Summit on Feb. 17-19 at Moody Gardens in Galveston.
TAFE, The Texas Association of Future Educators is new to campus this year. TAFE is one of the nine Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) recognized by the Texas Education Agency. The club centers around preparing students for careers in education. Competitors presented ways to improve the education system.
“I competed in the public speaking category of the competition,” senior Dayna Ross said. “The competition was for future teachers of America, and we presented ways we can better the education system.”
Students may join TAFE to be able to get insight into the teaching world.
“I am in this program because I wanted to learn more about the teaching careers,” junior Haley Giles said.

The competition gave students new perspectives and views of the teaching industry.
“At the competition, I did a project representing an interactive bulletin board,” junior Kalani Daniels said. “I am in child guidance hoping to become a part of the teaching pathway one day.”
Hopes and dreams of becoming an educator one day surround the students at this competition.
“My topic at the TAFE competition was lesson plans and delivery,” junior Kiriana Leach said. “I like teaching and have wanted to do it since I was little. I plan to be a educator one day.”
Two of the future teachers brought home victory.
“I am in child development, and I competed in the administration careers category,” sophomore Kristen Eilers said. “I enjoyed presenting my project and meeting new people. Winning the competition was a thrilling experience, and I am excited that Kiriana and I get to move to the state competition.”