As the Christmas season is fastly approaching, it is almost time for the CTE programs annual Christmas in the Barn event. This event will be a safe space for the community to come together and enjoy different Christmas festivities. The event will be taking place on Friday, Dec. 13, 5-6:30 p.m. It is a great opportunity for children and families to attend a Christmas-themed event.
To prepare for the event, information given to us from the organizers of the event have let us know the important to inform the community about to prepare for the holiday fun.
“Flyers are being posted on social media,” CTE teacher Cheryl Gehovak said. “Mr. Reed has more information for the event, but I think it has been sent to the elementary schools for the principal’s to distribute and we just try to pass it around by word of mouth.”
In preparation for the event, our HOSA organization is finalizing what to do for those in attendance to ensure it is a great time.
“Last year HOSA had ornaments for the kids to decorate so we plan to stick with that,” senior Kaitlin Burns said. “It was fun for us to participate in as well and we want it to be fun for our members rather than a chore to have them want to participate in our volunteer opportunities. We still have paint and things from last year so we will most likely stick with the ornaments and get some Christmas candy for the kids but also stick with the concept that it is enjoyable for our members to participate in.”
It is important to give back to the community and help people have fun at this event, the FFA program hopes that shines through at the event.
“It means giving back to our community and younger generations,” junior Leslie Johnson said. “By letting the little kids enjoy a fun night at the barn with animals. FFA is participating in this event by providing the barn space and having members come together in a committee to plan out this evening to a tee.”
Coming together as a community is important through this holiday season, having a safe space through this event is a step towards that goal.

“I’m hoping that this event will bring a sense of unity to the community,” senior Melissa Guerrero said. “So it can provide a safe place for kids to spend an Christmas themed afternoon and kids around the district who don’t do anything for Christmas get to have this sense of inclusion now.”
The Christmas in the Barn event is an annual holiday festivity hosted by the CTE center that hopefully will be continued for years to come.
“When the CTE building and Ag Facilities were opened 6 years ago Christmas in the Barn was designed for elementary age students as a Community Outreach project to be held in the Ag Barn showcasing the programs in both of these buildings, many of which were brand new to WHS,” business teacher Tommy Reed said. “Two years ago Christmas in the Barn was opened to all WHS Staff, clubs and organizations to join us in this community outreach project.”
The event continues to find ways to connect the school and the community.
“Last year the WISD Education Foundation also joined us in this project as we outgrew the Ag Barn and extended it into the CTE building,” Reed said. “Once again we are opening the event up to any WHS Staff, club or organization who would like to help with community outreach project. It is a fun event with high energy and a great public relations event to be a part of. This is a free event to the public. DECA will also be sponsoring an Unwrapped Toy Drive this year benefiting the Wildkat Resource Center.”