In director Ron Howard’s live action adaption of the holiday classic movie, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” ventures through a lively and vibrant retelling of the 1957 animated movie. Filmed in 2000, starring Jim Carrey as the Grinch, the whimsical film brings Dr. Seuss’s world of Whoville to life with big sets and over the top costumes. Telling the story of a once cold heart towards Christmas that is now unthawed.
The story follows the Grinch a green grumpy creature who despises Christmas and wants to ruin the holiday for the Whos in Whoville. Throughout the movie however his heart undergoes a dramatic transformation when he encounters a sweet and spirited Cindy Lou Who (played by young Taylor Momsen), whose belief in the magic of Christmas seems to thaw the Grinch’s frozen heart. Jim Carey’s portrayal of the Grinch is both manic and charming which captures his character’s growth throughout the film.
The film expands on the Grinch’s backstory which for some viewers feels like unnecessary details and takes away from the simplicity of the original film. However, the message about the importance of love, kindness and community still makes it a holiday staple for many families to enjoy. It is a quirky retelling of the classic story and has a mix of Christmas spirit and humor that entertains those who watch it. While it is not perfect, it holds a special place for people and all the other Christmas movies that are out there.