With the way that the world is, it can be extremely easy to find a million different things to complain about and be sucked into the bad. Watching and reading the news can feel like watching a list of all the horrific catastrophes that can take place in a 24 hour period. As a journalist who’s also feeling a little weary of the world lately, It was my mission this week to find and cover good news that has happened to provide a sliver of hope to my readers as well as myself. To be honest, it was no easy feat, but here is the silver lining.
The Book Fair will be in the library next week, an event that felt so magical in elementary school. While it may not seem as whimsical now, taking a nostalgic gander could bring some comfort and familiarity.
Chemical scientist Ho Thi Thanh Van has developed a cheaper and more efficient renewable energy source by using titanium metal oxides. These are different from typical fuel cells that use platinum, which is more expensive, and graphite, which harms the environment.
Spring break is just three short weeks away –one of which is a 4 day week– and with that comes warmer weather. Furthermore, by the end of February there will be an additional 40 minutes of daylight.
There is a new baby elephant at the Houston Zoo named Kirby, she weighed in at 314 lbs when she was born and has since gained around 2.5 lbs a day.
Astronomers discovered a rare space phenomenon called an Einstein Ring with their new Euclid Telescope. An Einstein ring occurs when the light from another galaxy bends around another object, forming a ring of light. Not only is this cool, but it could help scientists to get a better understanding of dark matter. It’s discoveries like this that lead one to think, maybe we aren’t so alone after all.
New research reveals that turtles are able to navigate by memorizing geolocations via magnetic fields, which is how they are able to visit the same place multiple times. They also found that when baby loggerhead turtles are in a magnetic field connected to their food source, they do a happy dance in anticipation, and yes, there are videos of the dancing turtles.
There will always be bad things happening around the world, but for every evil there is good. It is beneficial for everyone to find the bright side and focus on the good so not to get discouraged and bogged down by the mainstream news.