In the past week, 2,000 United States Forest Service (USFS) employees and another 1,000 National Park employees have been laid off. This has already led to closures and could threaten public safety and the well-being of each park. The reason given by the Trump Administration for these layoffs is to ensure that American tax dollars are being spent efficiently and to downsize the government, but the maintenance and protection of National Parks is crucial and should be a priority for every American.

America’s beautiful collection of national forests and parks can mostly be accredited to the 32nd President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. One of his top priorities in office was the conservation of America’s natural resources and protection of endangered species; he established and added to several national parks, and he signed the National Monuments Act, which allows presidents to declare historic landmarks as National Monuments so they will be protected, and he even created the USFS. Roosevelt’s passion for the great outdoors is why these parks are still here and still thriving.
The National Parks serve several purposes beyond their beauty. They preserve important natural resources and diversity, they provide a place for people to connect with nature and experience the great outdoors, and they slow the progression of climate change. They are imperative to American society and are what keeps America beautiful.
Cutting funding for National Park services would be a grave error for the president to make. These public spaces are not a drain on government spending, they supply thousands of jobs and provide Americans with new experiences and places to explore. They make America great.