Spring season is in full effect and so is the heavy tournament season for the Wildkat golf team. This season the team has been showing great dedication and showing off their skills that they have been practicing for so long. The team has a great range of players from seniors to even some young freshmen joining some tournaments. With some great prospects and dedicated players the golf team can go a long way.
“Throughout this season I’ve observed my teammates learn to play, and enjoy golf. I am proud of all the friends I’ve made on this team, and I am proud of them for growing as a golfer, and many, as a christian. I love my team,” junior Braden Peet said.
While golf is not the most physical demanding sport, it is definitely one of the most mentally demanding. Golf is all about confidence and thought process as someone progresses through the holes. It takes very strong athletes to be able to stay strong mentally during a good or bad day of golf.
“To mentally prepare for a golf tournament, I focus on visualization, imagining how it will play and what type of shots I need to hit . I also focus on the process rather than the outcome of my shot, “ junior Drake Perry said. “ I try my best to have a consistent pre shot routine making sure I give myself the best opportunity to hit a good shot. “
The Varsity golfers also have a lot of pressure since they are the best of the best, as well as facing the best of the best. It is important to the boys and girls that they stay confident as well as calm, so they perform the best they can at every tournament they go to.
“I think one of the main things that keeps me calm is knowing that my teammates rely on me to perform well, “ junior Hudson Adams said. “Our collective scores need to be great, so there’s an inherent pressure for us to play our best.