King’s legacy more than day off of work, school

Use holiday to celebrate message of peace, equality


photo or infographic by Canva

On this January 18th, remember the reason why this day is a national holiday. Reflect on why Martin Luther King Jr. was so iconic. Shout him out on social media and draw emphasis to his name. It is the least that can be done for a man that is responsible for the American society known today

Martin Luther King Jr. was an activist during the Civil Rights Movement. He is well-known for his peaceful protests and his iconic, “I Have A Dream,” speech. King’s legacy is celebrated every third Monday of January, but the purpose of this holiday is tainted by people that only see it as a day off from work or school. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is so much more than a day off, and it is necessary for us to treat it as such.

King wanted to end segregation and pushed for equality for all American citizens. King catalyzed change. If it were not for King’s efforts towards equality, the lives of Americans would have remained segregated. It would have been impossible to have friends of other races, and minorities would not have access to the educational and occupational opportunities that are available today. King served as a bridge between previously segregated races, and the unity America exhibits today would not have existed if it were not for the work of Martin Luther King Jr.

What made King’s practices so legendary was his ability to relay his messages peacefully without disrespecting his opponents. In today’s society, we often side with the person that speaks the loudest rather than the person that carefully constructs an argument. King emphasized the importance of a careful approach when expressing the opinions of himself and others through nonviolent protests like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March On Washington. By remaining peaceful, King was able to push his agenda to unlikely supporters without scaring them away.

On this January 18th, remember the reason why this day is a national holiday. Reflect on why Martin Luther King Jr. was so iconic. Shout him out on social media and draw emphasis to his name. It is the least that can be done for a man that is responsible for the American society known today.