Take time to dance in the rain

Brain breaks important part of mental health


photo or infographic by Janice Talley

DANCE IN THE RAIN. A small shower during lunch was the perfect time for junior Yabi Paulino and senior Janice Maldonado to play in the rain.

With a stormy day in view, students take a wet situation and make it a time to have fun. During lunch, on the patio, students got to witness a raging storm. Instead of watching the rain pour down, kids took time out of their lunch and danced in the rain. 

Students are starting to realize more everyday that breaks are needed to succeed. 

When being overworked, it’s easier to lose control of your emotions, especially in the classroom. This is why it is important to take time out of your day and focus on something other than work.

“Brain breaks help me not have mental breakdowns, especially when doing math,” junior Rylee Neumann said. 

Time management is very important when focusing on your work, extracurricular activities, and when taking breaks. When being overwhelmed with activities, a second to breathe will always help.

“Breaks are important because sometimes when you work hard for long periods of time, you get stressed out and you can’t perform well under stress,” junior Laci Dorough said. 

Taking breaks can come in many forms such as going outside, getting on your phone, or even just talking to your friends. Some people use their sports as a way to relieve stress, so try to do what calms you down. 

“I take breaks by going outside and either going on a walk or just sitting outside,” Dorough said. “It helps to calm me down and give me the motivation to get back to work.”

Learning to take breaks can be very complicated because it is very easy to get distracted, but people must learn to take breaks responsibly.

“The best time to take a break is when you are feeling too overwhelmed,” senior Bryan Racus said. “Don’t overwork yourself, always leave time to relax and recharge. That is the key to success.”