New Instagram accounts meant to entertain Wildkats


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JUST FOR FUN. Three new Instagram accounts now entertain the Wildkat community.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The students interviewed about the Instagram accounts in this story wished to remain anonymous. They feel the anonymous nature of the accounts allow more honest input from the school.

Entertainment. Laughter. Lightening the mood. There are several new Instagram accounts featuring students napping, sports and even bad parking.

The administrator of the Willis Barstool Instagram enjoys they have for running their account.

“I started the account to hype up the football team along with the student section,” the face behind the Willis Barstool Instagram account said. “I’m not really seeking anything out of it, I just enjoy being able to provide a funny sports page for our sports teams across Willis. To be able to post about our opponents, I need to be involved in each sport, so it’s funny to just be so involved.”

While the Willis Barstool wants to build school spirit, other students decided to create accounts purposefully for entertainment, hoping they would give students something to look forward to.

“There are three of us,” the faces behind the Willis Naptime account said. “We started the account because we wanted to give people something fun that they can take part in at school and being anonymous made it even more interesting. We’re just hoping to get everybody at school to know and talk about it, hoping to get a lot of people to participate which has been happening.”

Some of the pictures may be slightly embarrassing to the students, but the main goal of the account is laughs.

“We wanted to be a source of entertainment,” he said. “Our favorite part about running the account is seeing all the pictures dmed to us of interesting and creative ways people have found to sleep. It gives us something to enjoy and laugh about.

Although the Barstool and Naptime Instagram focused more on entertainment, the Willis Bad Parking page wanted to take it a step further and hopefully teach a lesson to students.

“I started the account to make fun of bad parking and hopefully embarrass people enough to correct it,” the head of the Willis Bad Parking Instagram said. “Hopefully better parking results from this account will result in less damage to cars, so there is a more efficient use of space. The best part is making fun of people though.”

Students share their view of the accounts, enjoying the laughter they receive out of them.

“I think the accounts are funny and harmless like the bad parking and people sleeping in class,” senior Evan Holder said. “I’d like to see more accounts like that.”

With the three current accounts, students also share that it would be cool to have more accounts like the Barstool, Naptime and Bad Parking.

“They’re funny, but at the same time I hope I never end up on them,” junior Tyler Graves said. “It’s really entertaining to see how students are sleeping in class or seeing how terrible people park. If another account was created, it would be cool to have one where embarrassing pictures of your friends were posted.”

By seeing all the pictures of students falling asleep in class, students believe it is important to pay attention since school is a place for learning.

“I think that the sleeping Instagram account is super funny, but it also shows that students need to pay more attention in class and not sleep,” sophomore Lilly Blue said. “It shows that teachers need to get a hold of the students. School is time for work, not sleeping.”

The Instagram pages are for entertainment, but lessons could be learned in between the laughs. 

“I’ll never sleep again in class because I never want to be posted,” freshman Samantha Dill said. “Maybe students will start parking better after being put on the bad parking Instagram. I think the naptime Instagram could show how schools need to pay more attention to students’ mental health and make class more exciting.”