Essential employees struggle with more than tough jobs
Apr 23, 2020
This April, as the state approved to stay home in quarantine for the issues of COVID-19. Although for the essential workers it does not apply. People who work in grocery stores, restaurants, fast food places, clinics, hospitals are deemed essential. Many of the essential workers are getting paid extra while working through this tough time, but it is not easy risking your life for others in the situation that it is.
Workers are working non stop during this COVID-19 quarantine. Either to work for extra money or the need to help out with their family. Many prayers have gone out to those who work during this time. The Texas community is in quarantine until May 4. The governor issued a curfew from 12am to 6am. There is no reason for the people to be out during the quarantine unless for essential activities such as going to the grocery store or clinic appointments. The community is all united within each other.
The governor ordered for the rest of the school year of 2019-2020 to be online only. Students are now putting extra hours in their work as well to finish off school online. Different people are experiencing different struggles at this time. Grocery stores employees have the risk of it all. Having to deal with customers with an attitude about not having plenty of food on the shelf. As well as with the restaurant employees working non-stop for the online orders, having less contact with people.
The senate proposed to give up $25,000 to raise up the essential workers. Many families of the workers are dependent on the money that their job gives them. It’s not easy being without the help of a job. Some have other people to bring money somehow into the house. Essential workers not only have to struggle through the tough times, but also have to wait for them to take away the extra money that they are given at their job. Some jobs extended the raise until May, and after that it will be canceled. It is sad to say that it will be this long. It’s better to give all these essential workers an applause and especially a thank you as well for all the hard work that they do.
Also special prayers to the doctors in the hospital who don’t have the ability to be at home with their loved ones. It’s a tough time for nurses and doctors who are especially close to patients who are contagious. People are struggling with illness alone with only the medical professionals to lean on. Imagine watching patients dying alone.
For essential workers it’s difficult to juggle with everything, especially with the added pressure of online school and home struggles like money and unemployment. Many students have different lives outside of their school life. Many have to do everything and still stand up with both feet and go on with their day. People should remember that the essential employee you want to yell at is struggling too. They have families, school pressure and a life outside of McDonalds or Kroger’s. People need to be kinder and nicer to the people who are risking their lives to keep this community going.