Volleyball team shows love for coach with birthday parade

Piper Neumann

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The volleyball team surprised Coach Megan Storms with a birthday parade on May 9th.

Head volleyball coach Megan Storms got a surprise for her birthday on May 9th. The volleyball team caught her by surprise when they showed up at her house honking their cars and cheering for her.

The birthday parade was organized by sophomore Reece Edmistion, a member of the varsity team.

“I planned the birthday parade for Coach Storms because she does so much for everyone in and out of the program,” Edmiston said.

Storms was in complete shock when the girls pulled up to her house.

“The volleyball girls had texted me earlier that day wishing me a happy birthday, but I had no clue they had a parade planned,” Storms said.

The girls appreciate all the hard work and effort Storms has put into this volleyball program.

“I wanted to show love towards her and thank her for everything she does for us even if it just means a small birthday parade for her, the little things count,” junior Kez Smith said.

Storms’s husband, basketball coach Michael Storms, was in on the girls’ secret.

“Around five that evening, my husband came in and asked me to look at something in the yard which was not out of the ordinary at all,” Storms said. “When we got closer to the end of the driveway, I heard lots of honking and yelling and saw a line of cars. I couldn’t believe it was them.”

Michael Storms loved seeing his wife’s reaction.

“Seeing the love shown between my wife and the volleyball girls was a reminder to me of why we both came to Willis.” Michael said. “ It was awesome to see.”

Storms reaction really showed how much she cares for the girls.

“When she saw us pull up her reaction was so sweet,” freshman Caroline Woodfill said. “You could really tell she cares for us a lot. She loves the whole team, and we love her.”

The parade was definitely one for the books.

“I was overcome with emotion, and yes I cried,” Storms said. “Those girls mean the world to me, and it was so special for them to do that. It will probably be my favorite birthday memory ever!”