New hall pass policy proves successful in preventing rule infractions


photo or infographic by Carlie Rutledge

HALLWAY HASSLES. New hallway rules were implemented for the last nine weeks of school, creating some new struggles for teachers and students.

There were procedural changes in the bathroom and hall pass implemented the week before spring break. The changes were put into place after students were found roaming the halls during class periods. 

“Our administrative staff has been sweeping the restrooms during passing periods, and because the number of students who are out of class has drastically decreased, it has been much easier to identify those who are not doing what they are supposed to do,” Principal Stephanie Hodgins said.  “In the last two days, we have had multiple arrests for DAB pens, and many other students have received consequences for vaping and/or possessing a vape.”

Students are also required to leave their phone or another personal item behind when they leave the class. This is so that students will have to come back and cannot leave campus. 

“There is no point in the new policy,” junior Shelbie Buys said. “You have to wait for pass to be filled out. In an emergency, sometimes there is not enough time. If you leave your phone behind it could easily get stolen.”

Students are only permitted to leave after the first 10 minutes and before the last 10 minutes of class.  

“I think leaving the first 10-minutes and going the last 10 minutes is actually the best time to go to the restroom,” junior Izzy Gonzalez said. “Class is either just getting started or just ending and in the middle of class the teachers are lecturing. It’s the busiest time to go to the restroom so we miss class or interrupt their lecture.”

Students are required to have their teacher fill out a pass in order for the student to leave, and only one student can leave at a time. This is to reduce the number of students in the hall and to flag the students as those who are skipping when they do not have a pass. 

“I feel like the new policy is a good thing., “sophomore TJ Lewis said. “People who are skipping won’t have a pass and can be easily caught. I don’t really want them, but I see the good side.”