Baseball team adds a spooky touch to practice by dressing in costumes for Halloween

Sunny days on the field with the autumn breeze in the air. Practicing with teammates that are like family. The baseball team adds a little bit of fun to their practice on Halloween, dressing up in costumes, creating a laid back environment before they begin the upcoming season.

As they dress up in costumes, the excitement for the upcoming season builds.

“It was so much cooler because I was wearing a bikini top and shorts, but the uniforms are drip,” senior Payton Young said. “I enjoyed how loose it was. Everyone seemed like they were genuinely having fun and I’m definitely looking forward to making a deep playoff run so we can show people dubtown baseball.”

While some enjoyed playing in their costumes, other students preferred a uniform, stating that the costumes are more difficult to play in, but that didn’t stop them from setting goals for the season.

“It was definitely more challenging playing in a costume rather than a uniform,” senior Jackson Leggett said. “What I enjoyed most was getting candy every time we got on base and I’m looking very forward to next season because I think we will go very deep into the playoffs.”

Seeing the team playing in costumes brought entertainment to everyone, lightening the seriousness of the practice.

“It was hot and hard to see in the pickle costume I was in, but it was fun,” senior Diego Rice said. “I enjoyed seeing people run in the other costumes. I am looking forward to next season because we get to play and have a good time.”

While dressing in costume may be fun, the players are incredibly excited to perform the best they can during the season.

“Well, costumes just make it fun and you don’t really pay attention to how you look in them whereas in uniforms we all try to look as drippy as we can,” junior Tyler Brackenridge said. “As for next season I’m looking forward to performing to the best of my ability and making the playoffs.”

Although the costumes were a fun touch to the practice, students share the differences of a costume and uniform.

“Playing in a costume is probably worse because you cannot really move like normal,” senior Hutton Hoegemeyer said. “I definitely enjoyed the game because everyone was relaxed and having a good time. I’m looking forward to next season because of the momentum we have from last year when we made it to the playoffs.”

The costumes brought positive energy into the practice, making it feel more relaxed, but that doesn’t stop their preparation for baseball season as they strive to do their absolute best. 

“Seeing the guys in costumes kept a smirk on everyone’s face the entire game,” senior Logan Wilson said. “I was glad to see that everyone was able to have a great time and be able to put the seriousness away. I’m really looking forward to the spring season because I’m ready to see what we can do. I trust the guys that I play in the field with and know we will compete. We know what to expect this season and are going to be ourselves when it’s time to play.”