Biden calls for end to railway strike


photo or infographic by Mic

DON’T LIE TO ME. Please don’t tell me the rail industry can’t afford it. Rail companies spent 25.5 billion on stock buybacks and dividends this year.

After the announcement by Joe Biden to congress about intervening in the current talks to find an agreement between rail unions and companies, the entire nation seems to be eyeing the tenuous situation. Although a tenuous situation that nearly derailed into something that would’ve hurt the American economy even more then it had previously, a deal had at least been proposed and the house has passed HJ Res 100 to make them come to a deal. Coming together to end the dispute between both railroad unions and the many companies involved with the many demands and changes to the railroad industry. 

The rail strike scare and the testing of the American Economy was an idea of what could come for the ongoing Union movements and Labour strikes across the country.  

The long going dispute between Railroad Unions and the many Railroad companies involved seems to be consistent with the economic world around. The many fights between companies and unions the past few years, such as from Amazon and Starbucks, are a continued fight against the low wages and high inflation that is hurting many blue collar and white collar workers right now. The most recent fight is the now infamous fight between the Railroad Unions and many companies over wages and sick days have now nearly sent the country off a cliff of inflation and bureaucracy. Back in September a deal had been reached but was voted down in November by workers in the US rail union, due to a paid sick leave not being in the deal. This fight for rights among workers in the US rail for multiple needs including the signature sick day off has defined the fight, which the Unions would finally call for a strike. This all came to a head when President Joe Biden called for the fights in a tweet on NOV 28, 2022

This introduced the government into negotiations that would start work on finding common ground and a final agreement between the Unions and Companies. The final outcome was to vote to finalize the deal that was agreed upon in September, which is the whole reason for the fight, with many members in congress fighting for paid sick leave in the industry. The ability for paid sick leave did not get through the floor of congress though and the most recent agreement was passed by the House and the Senate, then was presented and signed by President Biden on DEC, 2 2022. This came at the cost of paid sick leave that Unions came for, but the finalization of the deal and with it becoming law on the 5th of December will give many new benefits to rail workers.