Conflict in Middle East brings up decades-long power struggle


photo or infographic by Michael Scholwinski

POWER STRUGGLE. Without bringing stability through peace, then the Middle East is going to only see a collapse in the future.

The Ukrainian war has taken the main stage in everyone’s mind, but new conflicts still persist throughout the world. Conflicts in Syria between Israel and Iran have been heating up within the past few weeks that have impacted thousands of lives in the middle east. 

A resolution to protect students and end hostilities is needed for stability within the region.

A conflict in the Middle East has been going on for decades now, leading to millions of refugees from multiple countries and a humanitarian crisis that has been unsolved for many years now. More instability from Israeli Rockets, Iranian Forces and Syria in the middle is not what the Middle East needs. A ceasefire and proper negotiation is due to protect citizens in all three countries.

Conflict in the Middle East has been a constant since the Sykes-Picot agreement that divided the Middle East after WWI. Redefining how the Middle East should function has been tested by world powers since that time, most notably the Gulf Wars. The conflicts that have happened in the Middle East are notably influenced by world powers, in a time where they have split and divided the region. It is now time to know that world powers help people and refugees, instead of meddling in Middle Eastern politics.

It is now time to know that world powers help people and refugees, instead of meddling in Middle Eastern politics.

— Michael Scholwinski

Although it seems like conflict is inevitable between Israel and Iran, there are ways to pull compromise that can help the people. Calling a ceasefire may not seem likely, but there is a needed understanding that they aren’t doing either any favors and by creating a ceasefire would not just help the people and Syria, but the governments themselves. The conflicts in the Middle East do not have to be constant and by protecting the people and thinking of how many are affected is a good way to start bringing stability to the region. 

Protecting citizens and making sure to help those in need is a stabilizer in the region. Without bringing stability through peace, then the Middle East is going to only see a collapse in the future.