Class of 2023: make this moment count

photo or infographic by Emma Lowe

CLASS OF 2023. This is the moment, seniors. Make it count. 

A stage of life coming to an end. An ending to only the beginning of life. Doors closing and new ones opening. As seniors start preparing to say their final goodbyes to high school, a bittersweet sense comes knowing that they only have a mere two months left before everything changes. Moments that have seemed like they were going to last forever are now about to be a distant memory. 

Today begins the last nine weeks of 2023. As the time continues to count down, it’s important that seniors do everything they can to make the most of their last experiences as kids. 

Make the most of the remainder of the year. Go to that game after school with friends. Get in touch with the school spirit because once it’s over, real life begins. Go to that school dance, and experience all the school functions. One day it’ll be something to look back on and remember the good times. 

Continue taking care of grades and trying to be amazing in school. Don’t let senioritis ruin possible memories and possible chances of healthy habits in college. It’s important to continue having good study habits the remainder of the year because it sets a person up for success in college. 

Saying goodbye is hard, but it’s just a simple reality of life. This next phase in life is a fresh start – a new beginning. Something not to be afraid of, but don’t forget the importance of making the most of the last months. 

It’s almost over. Time has flown by for the seniors this year, and it will continue to fly by. Don’t take for granted the time that is left with all the students in the school. Strive to be the best. Strive to make some of the best memories and friendships possible before going to college. This is the moment, seniors. Make it count.