During the frantic and daily stress of high school weekdays, a fire drill might seem like nothing more than an inconvenience and time taken away for students to do work, but this drill has the potential to save a life at Willis or any high school if a fire would actually occur. It is the law to have a fire drill for high schools because of safety for students, staff.
Fire drills are a necessary and must occur for the safety of everyone on campus.
A major upside of fire drills for high schools is how it can make student and/or staff feel prepared Incase the real thing happens, the drill lets students know where to go and where they need to be just Incase they get lost or something happens. When the students and staff already know the routes and have a sense of familiarity, it is a lot easier to make sure everyone evacuates safely if something truly goes wrong.
Another upside that not many students know about is how allows to make out errors while its still just a drill. School admins and staff have to have fire drills by law, but it also allows them to see if there are any errors or something that doesn’t work, maybe some fire alarms are not functioning properly, or a route has too many students and they are not escaping the school in the time that they need to be out. School admins can find these errors and further prepare us for the flames.
Some might say that these drills do indeed take up too much time from students and their work within classes, but the small inconvenience of missing a few minutes of class does not compare to the benefits of having these drills for our school and other high schools. It can also benefit the students by helping them have a responsibility and teaching them the importance of having safety precautions. Making a plan for safety is important, and some students might see this importance for the first time in the fire drills at their school.
All high schools must have these fire drills for the safety of everyone on campus, and maybe now student can see that the benefits far out way the cons of ensuring our safety for everyone involved with Willis and any high school in the world.