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The Student News Site of Willis High School

The Voice of the Wildkats

The Student News Site of Willis High School

The Voice of the Wildkats

The Student News Site of Willis High School

The Voice of the Wildkats

The Issue Issue

One student shares his struggle with drugs to help others struggling with substance abuse.

Teens struggle with drugs despite deadly effects

by Hailey Alvarez, VOW staff Apr 22, 2020

Editor’s note: The Voice of the Wildkats staff worked on a series of in-depth articles for what we named The Issue Issue. Our staff members wanted to write articles about things teens really wanted...

Social media sites such as Instagram and Snapchat have become part of everyday lives for many teens.

Addiction to technology linked to dopamine release

by Ali McNew, VOW staff Apr 15, 2020

Tik Tok, Minecraft, Instagram, Snapchat. Modern day teens divide their attention between so many different technological platforms that it becomes hard to keep them all straight. Since the invention of...

Homelessness is a growing problem in Montgomery County, one student shares her story about being in high school and homeless.

High school & homeless: one teen shares her story with poverty, anxiety and finding herself

by Charnell Haywood and Zulema Lopez Apr 12, 2020

Editor’s note: The Voice of the Wildkats staff worked on a series of in-depth articles for what we named The Issue Issue. Our staff members wanted to write articles about things teens really wanted...

The second article from the Issue Issue explores the stress and pressure felt by students who are trying to building impressive GPAs and resumes of extracurricular activities.

High expectations causes high stress for academically driven students

by Katherine Lee, VOW editor Apr 12, 2020

Editor's note: The Voice of the Wildkats staff worked on a series of in-depth articles for what we named The Issue Issue. Our staff members wanted to write articles about things teens really wanted to...

Surviving Toxic Realtionships is the first story in the series. All stories marked with the Issue Issue logo were written as part of an in-depth project of the newspaper staff.

Surviving toxic relationships

by Caleigh Nabors, VOW staff Apr 7, 2020

Editor's note: The Voice of the Wildkats staff worked on a series of in-depth articles for what we named The Issue Issue. Our staff members wanted to write articles about things teens really wanted to...

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