Bass Kats hooked on sport, enjoy time on lakes across Texas

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THE BEAUTY OF NATURE. During a fishing tournament, sophomore Logan Burns tries to catch a big one. The team fishes on Lake Conroe and lakes all over the state.

Sun’s out, fish swimming, pole ready. A breeze chills as the boat pushes forward, ready to catch whatever fish is our there looking for their next meal. 

Fishing is more than just a hobby or a way to catch food. To the members of the Bass Kats is more sport and less hobby.

“I knew bass fishing is not a very well-known sport to most people, but it has its positives that out weighs more than other well known clubs,” senior Gabe Talley said. “The scholarship opportunity is immensely a big contribution to this growing sport. I have accumulated over 30 thousand in scholarships alone just for fishing.”

The benefits go beyond the four years of high school.

“I have also been approached by a university for a full ride offer to go to fish collegiate events in that school’s name,” Talley said.  “This sport is extremely beneficial for further education plans while meeting new people that share a common interest.”

Students build real relationships with other students while fishing. It is a way to connect with people doing the same activity. 

“I enjoyed this team because it isn’t a club, but a family,” sophomore Tyler Koonce said. “I’m willing to take that anywhere.”

Fishing in fun, but being a member of a team makes the activity take on a new meaning. 

“I like being apart of the team because I get to compete in a sport that I love and make lifelong friends along the way,” senior Reed Hildenbrandt said

Members of the Bass Kats learn that there are tricks to the sports. There are tactics that must be used to catch fish. 

“I learned that you can’t just go out there and throw anything and fish anywhere,” sophomore Logan Jones said. “You have to find where the fish are.”

Fishing is a great relaxing outdoor sport that many should consider doing and enjoying the perks of nature. 

“I enjoy fishing because of the anticipation of the fish biting the bait,” senior Ruben Salazar said. “I think people should join because it’s very fun and exciting way to be outdoors.” 

Members find the sport calming while easing emotions.

“Fishing kills time, and you go through a lot of emotions the more you’re out there learning the lakes,” sophomore Cole Woodward said.  “It’s not normal to go out and catch tons of fish. You have to grind and prepare for the lakes you don’t know. There is always better spots and bigger fish to be caught and I really love fishing because it’s calming to me.”